general terms and condition

This general terms and condition shall constitute a valid agreement ("User Agreement") between the user ("User" or "You") and [lejellabs project] including all of its subsidiaries and/or affiliates, currently exist or will be established in the future (collectively "LEJEL LABS", "we", "us", "our"). This User Agreement shall govern all matters concerning and/or relating to the management, contents, services, and the utilization of service, facility and/or products ("Services") to Coins available for sale and transfer in accordance with our agreements ("Product") as established as crypto asset traded in crypto physical market pursuant to Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency Regulation Number 4 of 2023, available under LEJEL LABS' website <> ("Website").

Prior to accessing and/or using our Services, You are strongly advised to read, observe, and understand our policy, including but not limited to User Agreement, Privacy Policy, Marketing Policy, and Trading Rules (collectively or individually "Policy" or "Policies").

You agree to LEJEL LABS Policy by ticking the box "I Accept The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy", and by agreeing to this User Agreement, You shall be deemed to have read, observed, understood, agreed to and shall have the full understanding and agreement to our Policy and guidelines available under our website.

Should You object or disagree to any of the provisions contained under this User Agreement, You are advised to refrain from using LEJEL LABS' Services. Unless otherwise specifically defined in this User Agreement, all terminologies and expressions shall refer to the laws of the Republic of Indonesia and the applicable LEJEL LABS Policy.


article i – use of services


Access to and usage of Services provided by LEJEL LABS under the website shall be subject to this User Agreement. You shall retain Your full freedom to choose to use or not to use LEJEL LABS Service, or to use other third party services, or to stop using LEJEL LABS Services.

We will only provide You with Services to enable You to conduct transactions for the Product. All other services relating to the Product directly provided by the issuer of the Product under cooperation scheme or other scheme shall fall outside the scope of this User Agreement.



article ii – registration and access to account


Prior to accessing or using the Services, You shall agree to all of LEJEL LABS Policy, including but not limited to User Agreement, Privacy Policy, Marketing Policy, Trading Rules, and shall undertake account registration on the Website. In registering the account, we will require You to submit Your Personal Data, inter alia , full name, valid email address, and make a Your own password to access Your account ("Account Information"). This password shall be personal and confidential, and we strongly advise to maintain the confidentiality of Your password. You may change Your Personal Data and password through the Website.

Having registered the account, our system will automatically generate a verification link and send the verification link to Your registered email. You will have to verify by opening the verification link. Having verified Your account, our system will create Your personal LEJEL LABS account ("Account") to use the Services under LEJEL LABS Website.

In the event that You are logged out of your Account, You will have to log into Your Account by submitting the registered email address and the password You created during registration on LEJEL LABS Website.

You hereby agree to bear all risks upon disclosure of Personal Data and/or Your Account Information to any third party, made under Your own accord and You shall assume full liability upon any consequences relating to and arising out of such disclosure.

To the extent permissible under the laws of the HONG KONG and LEJEL LABS applicable Policy, we shall not bear any liability over Your damages and/or liabilities relating to and arising out of such disclosure to third party, including but not limited to disclosure of Your Account Information and third party access to Your Account that is deemed as a valid access by our system.



article iii – your account

Your Account shall only be used by You and shall not be transferred to third party, authorized or unauthorized, with whatever reason. We shall have the right to deny the usage of Services in the event that we know or have a reasonable ground to suspect that You have transferred or let Your Account be used by authorized or unauthorized third party.

Security and confidentiality of Your Account, Your Account Information, and Your Personal Data, including the registered name, registered email address, and Your Personal Data shall be within Your full responsibility. All damages and risks arising out of Your negligence in maintaining security and confidentiality of Your Account, Your Account Information, and Your Personal Data, including but not limited to Your registered name, registered email address, and Your password shall be borne by You. In those events, we will deem any and every use of Services under the Website conducted through Your Account as a valid order to use from You.

You are obliged to immediately inform us should you know or suspect that Your Account, Your Account Information, and Your Personal Data have been used or Processed, or disclosed without Your prior knowledge and approval. We shall take the necessary and plausible measures to deal with the unauthorized use or Process or disclosure, without Your prior approval.



article iv – personal data

The Personal Data Process, including but not limited to the collection, storing, processing, use, and disclosure of Your Personal Data submitted to LEJEL LABS shall be subject to the Privacy Policy, which constitute an integral part of this User Agreement.




article v – fees and payments

The use of Services through LEJEL LABS Website is free of charge, except for other fees charged for certain features and/or certain transactions on LEJEL LABS Website in the future. The use of Services available on LEJEL LABS Website may be charged in accordance with the fees applied by the Product owner.

We or the Product owner may amend or update the fees from time to time based on certain factors, inter alia time, type of Services, and the applicable laws and regulations. We or the Product owner may also charge You at a certain amount of price and/or fee as a payment to the use of Services or as a compliance to the laws of the HONG KONG , Policy, and/or LEJEL LABS' or Product owner's terms of transaction.

You may complete the payment for the Services through the available avenues which may change from time to time based on our or Product owner's full discretion.



All intellectual property rights provided on the Website and/or LEJEL LABS Services, including but not limited to the name, logo, program code, design, trade or service mark, data-based technology, patented process and business model ("Intellectual Property") have obtained the statutory protection from the authorized official in accordance with each jurisdiction, and the proprietary rights of which shall be owned by or have been licensed, pursuant to valid license agreemen, to LEJEL LABS and/or Product owner.

The Users may only undertake activities, i.e., accessing, downloading, printing, viewing, multiplication, using the Intellectual Property, limited for the purpose of using LEJEL LABS Services and limited for non-commercial purposes, unless governed otherwise under this User Agreement, or otherwise agreed pursuant to the license agreement with LEJEL LABS or Product owner in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, or other applicable laws and regulations.

Users shall be forbidden to, which will result in violation of the Policy, undertake the following activities:

1.    delete all Intellectual Property notification provided on LEJEL LABS Website;

2.    copy, modify, adapt, translate, create a derivative creation, distribute, license, sell, transfer, public showcase, in part or whole, reverse engineer, transmit, divert, broadcast, dissect, or disassemble any part of or through other means exploit LEJEL LABS Website;

3.    commercially license, sublicense, re-sell, transfer, divert, distribute, or exploit, or made available to third party LEJEL LABS Services and/or Website by creating internet link to LEJEL LABS Services and/or Wesite or frame or mirror to other software in other server or any internet-based wireless device;

4.    launch an automated program or script, including but not limited to any web spiders, web crawlers, web robots, web ants, web indexers, bots, virus or worm, or program which may submit a certain number of requests per second, creating heavy load or disrupting the operation or performance of LEJEL LABS Website;

5.    use a search engine or retraction website, or any other manual or automated device, to conduct scraping, indexing, or surveying, data mining, or with any means multiply or avoid the navigation structure or presentation of LEJEL LABS Website or its content.

6.    issue, distribute, or multiply with any means the protected Intellectual Property without prior written approval from LEJEL LABS, Product owner, or its respective licensor;

7.    unauthorized use and/or access to LEJEL LABS Website and/or Services to:

i.      inflict damage, weaken, or jeopardize any aspect of LEJEL LABS Website, Services available on LEJEL LABS Website or its respective relevant system and network; and/or

ii.     create similar competing product or service based on the idea, feature, function, or graph similar to LEJEL LABS Website.

All use of Intellectual Property for commercial purposes shall only be made upon prior written approval from LEJEL LABS and/or Product owner, by way of license agreement. The use of Intellectual property without valid prior written permission constitutes unauthorized use and a violation of LEJEL LABS policies, and may result in termination of your account without any enforcement obligation.
The Users shall be obliged to immediately inform LEJEL LABS of any violation, or potential violation, or claims with adverse effect by third party relating to and/or arising out of the Intellectual Property.



article vii – RISK

Sales and purchase of the Product as a crypto commodity ("Product Trading" or "Product Trade") is a high-risk activity. The Product price are volatile, where prices can change significantly over time. In connection with price fluctuations, the value of Product can increase or decrease significantly at any time. The Product has the potential to experience a change in the value drastically or even become meaningless. There is high risk of loss as a result of buying, selling or trading on the market and LEJEL LABS is not responsible for changes in fluctuations in the Product's price, value, and/or exchange rate.

Product Trading also has additional risks unique to the character of the crypto market. Unlike most currencies which are centralized-based, the Product is a unique commodity where no central bank controls, protects the value of Product in a crisis, or prints the financial instrument.

User is encouraged to be careful in measuring financial situation and ensure that User is willing to face risks involved in selling, buying or Product Trade. User is strongly advised to carry out personal research before making a decision to carry out Product Trading. All decisions on Product Trading are independent decision by User consciously without coercion and shall hereby release LEJEL LABS from any liabilities relating to and/or that may arise out of Product Trading.

With regard to mining activities, LEJEL LABS does not carry out mining, producing or printing of the crypto activities. Product was created and mined using the software specifically by miners that are scattered randomly throughout the world and was interconnected with the peer-to-peer technology on the blockchain.


article viii – limitations

We provide LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services, including facilitating the Services that are available on LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services, as is and We do not represent or guarantee that the reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability, availability, accuracy, completion or safety of Website and/or Services can fulfil Your needs and expectations at all times, including but not limited to Services and Marketing that are available on Website, Third Party Marketing that are entirely under the responsibility of the third party. We are not responsible for any loss or damage that is caused by any failure or error by the third party or any failure or error on Your part in complying with LEJEL LABS Policy.

LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services may experience limitations, delays, and other problems inherent in the use of internet and electronic communication, including Your device, LEJEL LABS' and/or Product owner's server being damaged, disconnected from the internet, out of range, turned off or otherwise malfunctioning. We are not responsible for any delay, failure to request or process orders, damage or loss, including the potential loss of profit, that is caused by such issues.

We are not responsible to monitor Your access or use of LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Service. However, We maintain supervision for the purposes of ensuring the seamless use of LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Service and to ensure compliance with LEJEL LABS’ Policy, Applicable Laws, court decisions, and/or the provisions of administrative institution or other government institutions.

We have no responsibility whatsoever, including to take further action or legal action that is deemed necessary by You or any third party, on any matter or dispute arising between You and the third party or between You and the Product owner. However, we may, in our sole discretion, facilitate any matter or dispute arising between You and the Service Provider, Third Party Content Provider or Offer Provider with reasonable efforts within our capacity. When We facilitate the resolution of such matters or dispute between You and the third party or between You and the Product owner, we are not acting as mediator and facilitating the resolution will not give rise to any further liability on our part.

You will not use LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services on devices or operating systems that have been modified beyond the devices’ or operating systems’ configurations and configurations that we have determined. This includes devices that have been “rooted” or “jailbroken”. Rooted or jailbroken devices are devices that have been released of any limitations imposed by the device provider and were manufactured without the consent of the device provider. The use of LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services on rooted or jailbroken devices may compromise its security and lead to fraudulent transactions.

We are not liable for any download and use of LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services on rooted or jailbroken devices and You shall bear the entirety of the risks associated with Your use rooted or jailbroken devices. You understand and agree that We are not responsible for any loss or other consequences sustained or caused by Your use of LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services on rooted or jailbroken devices and We have the discretion to stop Your access or use of LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services on rooted or jailbroken devices and block the rooted or jailbroken devices from accessing or using LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services.

You hereby declare and agree to exempt Us against any and every kind of loss, obligation, liability, damage, costs, expenses, demands, requests, orders, proceedings, fines, penalties or other forms of actions in connection with Your access and use of LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services, including Content and Services available on the LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services.



article ix – DECLERATIONS AND representation

You hereby declare and warrant that You are older than 18 (eighteen) years old or are in marriage and are not under any representative or proxy and You shall have the legal capacity and have the rights to bind Yourself to the Policy. Should You not fulfil the Policy but still access or use LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services, You hereby declare and warrant that Your action in opening, accessing, or carrying out any other activities on LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services have been validly approved by Your parents, representative or proxy. You strictly preclude any statutory rights to invalidate or retract every and all agreement that You have accorded pursuant to the Policy by the time You reach the legal age.

You have agreed to access or use the LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services, the Services contained in the LEJEL LABS’ Sites and/or Services, Third Party Content or Offerings only for the purposes as specified in the LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services Terms of Use, Terms of Services and/or Privacy Policy and to not misuse or use the LEJEL LABS Sites and/or Services, Services contained in the LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services, Third Party Content or Offerings for the purpose of fraud, causing inconvenience to others, placing false orders or other actions that may or are considered to cause harm in any form to third parties.

You have understood and have agreed that all risks arising from the usage of the LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services, Services contained in the LEJEL LABS’ Website and/or Services, Third Party Content and Offerings are entirely Your responsibility and You hereby agree to relinquish us from any claims in connection with damage, disruption, or other forms of system interferences caused by unauthorized access by third parties.

You have expressly exempted us, including but not limited to, our officers, directors, commissioners, employees and agents, from any and all liabilities, consequences, losses whether material or immaterial, claims, costs (including attorney fees) or other legal responsibilities that arise or may arise as a result of Your violation of these LEJEL LABS’ Terms of Use of the Website and/or Services, Terms of Services and/or Privacy Policy.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, should there be any direct losses due to our breach of these LEJEL LABS’ Terms of Use of Website and/or Services, Terms of Services and/or Privacy Policy, You have agreed and expressly limit the amount of Your claim to the total amount that have actually been incurred or paid in connection with such an event.

article x – force majeure

Force majeure under this User Agreement shall mean unforeseeable events occurred not within the presumption, assumption, intention, and reasonable control of LEJEL LABS or User, including but not limited to:

1.      natural disaster (earthquake, tsunami, landslide, flood, typhoon, and mount eruption);

2.      fire occurrence;

3.      war, both declared or undeclared;

4.      nation-wide labor strike;

5.      sabotage, embargo, riot, terrorism;

6.      force majeure events declared by the respective government; and

7.      all events directly affecting adverse impact to the LEJEL LABS or User in the performance of their respective obligations under the User Agreement.

In the event that LEJEL LABS or User suffers from one of the abovementioned events, thus LEJEL LABS or User shall give a prior written notice elaborating the relevant force majeure event, not later than 2 x 24 hours as of the occurrence of such event, and the notified party shall give a written receipt, notifying the receival of such notice.

Provided that the requirements above are fulfilled and approves of such events, thus shall be exempted from the performance of the contractual obligations as governed under the User Agreement, and LEJEL LABS or User is relieved from any of its liability under the User Agreement.



article xi – applicable law and dispute resolution


This User Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the HONGKONG ("Applicable Laws") and LEJEL LABS as well as User hereto hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of HONGKONG




article Xii – electronic sign

You understand and agree whereas all Policy, including but not limited to User Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Marketing Policy, shall constitute as an electronic contract and Your action of ticking the box "I Accept The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy", pressing the button "Sign Up", or upon clicking the button "Log In" when You are accessing Your Account shall constitute as Your active agreement to bind Yourself through a contract with LEJEL LABS, as such the binding power of the Policy shall be legally valid and binding and shall continue to come into effect insofar the use of LEJEL LABS Services and/or Website.

You hereby understand and agree whereas the electronic sign in a transaction and/or electronic document constitute a form of Your consent and acceptance over all information provided herewith, as well as binds You equally as a conventional signature. You hereby declare and warrant the validity and authenticity of the electronic signature that You applied to the Policy.